Dr. K. King-Evans
Different Us! by Dr. K. Renee was birthed as a result of multiple factors. Firstly, being in touch with my “inner child” and feelings associated with both good and challenging experiences. Secondly, content was inspired by my son‘s early years of being exposed to bullying during elementary and middle school. Lastly, being able to have candid and honest conversations with other parents and caregivers about how their children were struggling with bullying associated issues like lack of confidence and self-acceptance.
The Odd Squad
This book features four friends Maliyah, Jacob, Sarah, and Samson who struggle to finish their final fifth-grade year at St. Mary’s Primary School without being the main focus of teasing and bullying. The mean kids at school refer to them as “the odd squad.” Since first grade, this group of friends have had the task of trying to learn to be comfortable in their own skin because, in many ways, they were different from their schoolmates.

Jr. High Scool
This book features four friends: Maliyah, Jacob, Sarah, and Samson who have struggled through their fifth-grade year, dealing with teasing and bullying, and often referred to by the mean kids in primary school as the odd squad. They made a pact that whatever they go through, they will stick together and put their faith in a Higher Power. This agreement helped them transition into junior high school in a way that none of them could have ever possibly imagined.

Motivational Speaking
Motivational speaking has opened up opportunities for me to help make a difference on a broad platform. I am able to spread new ideas and inspire positive changes among listeners, whether it’s a change in their mindset, lifestyle and everyday actions, their organization, or a bigger change in our society.

Life Coach
Being a certified Life Coach helps me to provide more individualized services to my clients by helping to provide accountability, clarity, and the perspective needed to tackle their own challenges in order to live life on purpose and accomplish personalized goals.
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Dr. K. King-Evans?

Meet Our Fabulous Author Dr. K Renée
Meet Our Fabulous Author Dr. K Renée an author interview by Kidliomag Read interview here: https://kidliomag.com/meet-our-fabulous-author-dr-k-renee/
Dr. K. King-Evans interview on WBRC – Good Day Alabama
Watch Dr. K. King-Evans interview on WBRC - Good Day Alabama ("Different Us:" Alabama veteran releases children's book about diversity):...
Neighborly Reviews Bookcast Episode #21: The Moon Knows Lily, Different Us, & My IOU Life Ship
Join David Newell (who played the beloved Mr. McFeely on Mister Rogers Neighborhood) and John Masiulionis for Episode #21 of PR From The Heart’s Neighborly Reviews Bookcast, as they share three amazing books: The Moon Knows Lily by Ednar Jacques, Different Us by our...
Teaching Kids About Accepting and Respecting Differences
The world as we know it, even as recent as 2-3 years ago has fundamentally changed. Children have had to undergo major changes and adjustments through the pandemic that in some instances can potentially affect them for a lifetime. Take in account the reading level...
My Platform Is Also My Passion
Greetings! Welcome to my world! First and foremost, I felt that it was important for me to share my platform with you. My platform just so happens to be my passion. My passion is encouraging others and promoting literacy by teaching parents “how” to read to their...
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